About Us
We are Francesca and Daniel, and we welcome you to our beautiful slice of paradise, Wattle Tree Ridge. Nestled in the foothills of the Toowoomba Ranges, our little farm is our sanctuary, with sweeping views of Mount Campbell and surrounding farmland, wide blue skies and an ever changing landscape of local flora and fauna to enjoy.
Even through the tough times, farm life is still the life for us! We love planting trees and seeing our pastures explode with life. Our flock of Damara sheep are a constant source of entertainment and once they have stopped bleating at us for treats, we love to sit and watch them grazing and playing as the daylight fades over the range.
Once a horse property, our focus has shifted, with Wattle Tree Ridge now becoming a flower farm. We grow seasonal, spray-free flowers; no herbicides, pesticides or fungicides used on our blooms! The horse addiction dies hard though, so there are still three cheeky, fat geldings running around, causing mischief.
The latest additions to the farm are three very spoilt heritage pigs, Boarville and his lovely ladies Winnie Pig and Ginny Pig. Boarville is VERY popular with the ladies, and as a result you will find a multitude of cheeky piglets living their best piggy lives rooting out bugs and digging muddy wallows.
Our Mission:
We feel a deep connection and responsibility to this land and we acknowledge and respect the many generations of stewards who have cared for this landscape.
Our long-term mission is to restore the wild areas of our home to the healthy, vibrant Semi-Evergreen Vine Thicket it once was. To share the land with our wildlife by providing more areas of habitat and corridors connecting surrounding woodlands.
We are excited to explore the multitude of regenerative practices used to build deep, healthy, life-filled soil so that our ecosystems are more resilient and productive.
One of the regenerative farming tools we love the most are our livestock. Our collection of animals is ever increasing and brings us joy every day. As conscious omnivores, we are grateful for the contribution of our animals to our nutrition and hence our health. We are committed to raising our livestock in the most ethical manner possible, providing safe and enriched environments and handling them with respect and kindness.
We hope to share this with you in the future, to demonstrate that farming and a healthy ecosystem can co-exist to provide abundance for all.